My Favorite Posts

Instead of an “about me” page where I make up some crap about myself in some sort of biography or something, here are a few of my favorite posts. I wrote them, so hopefully they give some sort of flavor of who I am and what I’m about.

No, your concerns about immigration are not about immigration
I wrote about how people’s “concerns about immigration”, especially in the wake of Brexit, only start to appear when privilege is removed from immigrants.

How we value friendship, and how Facebook has changed that
 wrote about how I think all friendships are temporary, and that this is a good thing.

Prepaid Welfare Cards, Drugs, Alcohol, and Fish & Chips
I wrote about how recipients of welfare benefits should be allowed to spend their money on whatever they choose, referencing my experience as a welfare recipient.

Internalised Homophobia
I wrote about how even as a proud, out, and loud queer person, I still feel it necessary to hide my queerness.